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User-Agent - HTTP - MDN Web Docs - Mozilla

For more on Firefox- and Gecko-based user agent strings, see the Firefox user agent string reference. The UA string of Firefox is broken down into 4 components: Mozilla/5.0 (platform; rv:geckoversion) Gecko/geckotrail Firefox/firefoxversion Mozilla/5.0 is the general token that says that the browser is Mozilla-compatible. For historical reasons ...

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User agent

User agent. On the Web, a user agent is a software agent responsible for retrieving and facilitating end-user interaction with Web content. [1] This includes all web browsers, such as Google Chrome and Safari, some email clients, standalone download managers like youtube-dl, and other command-line utilities like cURL . The user agent is the ...

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User agent - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of ... - Mozilla

A user agent is a computer program representing a person, for example, a browser in a Web context. Besides a browser, a user agent could be a bot scraping webpages, a download manager, or another app accessing the Web. Along with each request they make to the server, browsers include a self-identifying User-Agent HTTP header called a user agent ...

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What's my user agent?

Parameters: ua-string: Be sure to url-encode it. Defaults to your request's user agent string. ua-parser-version: Coming soon. Defaults to "latest". Detect user-agent, operating system, browser, and device using several libraries, including ua-parser, ua-parser-js, and platform.

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What's My User Agent?

What Is a User Agent? A browser's user agent string (UA) helps identify which browser is being used, what version, and on which operating system. When feature detection APIs are not available, use the UA to customize behavior or content to specific browser versions.

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What is my user agent?

A user agent is a string that web browsers and other applications send to web servers to identify themselves. This string typically includes information about the browser's name, version, operating system, and rendering engine. Web servers use this information to optimize content delivery and provide a better user experience.

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User-Agent - Expert Guide to HTTP headers

Usage. The HTTP User-Agent request header, also commonly referred to as the User-Agent String or UA-String, is used to convey information to servers about the client's browser and operating system.This information is intended to assist in serving the representation of the resource that is best-suited to the client. There are three directives including the product, the version, and a comment.

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What is a user agent? -

The User Agent often includes descriptions of the Operating System and Device Type that the Browser/Agent is running on. User Agents usually look quite strange. User agents aren't intended for "normal" internet users to look at or deal with, and there is a long and complicated legacy behind the format of a lot of popular user agents, which ...

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User Agent: Definition and Examples. Most Common User Agents List.

Web browsers: These are the most common type of user agents. Examples include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Mobile apps: Many mobile apps act as user agents, making requests to servers and displaying the responses to the user. Desktop applications: Some desktop applications, such as email clients and chat clients, act as user agents when they communicate with servers.

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Firefox user agent string reference - HTTP | MDN - MDN Web Docs

Firefox user agent string reference. This document describes the user agent string used in Firefox 4 and later and applications based on Gecko 2.0 and later. For a breakdown of changes to the string in Gecko 2.0, see Final User Agent string for Firefox 4 (blog post). See also this document on user agent sniffing and this Hacks blog post.

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User Agents - Parser and API - Easily decode any user agent

Welcome to The User Agent Knowledgebase. We've been decoding user agents for more than 13 years and we've seen it all - the good, the bad and the downright weird! This website is a collection of resources dedicated to understanding and working with user agents, including the new proposal which may end up eliminating user agents: Client Hints. As well as this, we've also got resources (such as ...

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User Agents

User Agents is a website that provides information and tools for web developers and marketers who want to understand how different browsers and devices interact with their websites. You can browse, search, and compare user agents, or use the User Agent Lookup tool to identify the characteristics of any user agent string.

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User-Agent header - Wikipedia

In computing, the User-Agent header is an HTTP header intended to identify the user agent responsible for making a given HTTP request. Whereas the character sequence User-Agent comprises the name of the header itself, the header value that a given user agent uses to identify itself is colloquially known as its user agent string.The user agent for the operator of a computer used to access the ...

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